Jef Poskanzer's Photography

"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven

[Friends and Family] [Macro] [Industrial Archaeology] [Metal] [Deserts and Cacti] [Hiking] [Camping] [Biking] [Beaches] [Hot Springs] [Whitewater] [Ultraviolet Light] [Crafts] [Cats] [Trains] [The Bevatron] [burningman '98 and '96] [Red Oak Victory] [Construction] [Albany Bulb]

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27oct2022 SF - Oakland
An early-morning ride in SF to see my radio friends, then the ferry to Oakland.

26oct2022 Berkeley
Saw a train crash!

25oct2022 Berkeley
A few pix around town, followed by a Golden Gate sunset.

23oct2022 SF
Long ride around SF with my brother.

22oct2022 Oakland
An Oakland ride, followed by a centered sunset.

20oct2022 Oakland
Another Oakland ride.

18oct2022 Sunset
Got my bivalent booster, took a nap, then shot the first Golden Gate Centered Sunset of the season.

17oct2022 SF
Went out to Ocean Beach to count the election signs along the Great Highway.

11oct2022 Oakland
A quick Oakland ride.

09oct2022 SF
Foggy day but I put on winter gear and biked the Great Walkway anyway.

05oct2022 Ferries
The ferries were free so I rode two - Oakland to SF, and SF to Richmond.

04oct2022 Oakland
An Oakland ride, but not just to Lake Merritt and back - I went up to Lake Temescal and Montclair.

02oct2022 SF
Rode out to Ocean Beach.

30sep2022 Critical Mass
The 30th anniversary Critical Mass bike ride.

29sep2022 Oakland
Biked Oakland but counter-clockwise this time.

28sep2022 Total Transit
Some journalist friends were attempting a transit stunt, riding 27 different systems in one day. I tagged along for a leg. Then later, a nice sunset.

27sep2022 Oakland
Another Oakland ride.

25sep2022 Oakland
Another Oakland ride, but I skipped the Lake Merritt circumnavigation.

24sep2022 Birthday
My mom's birthday dinner.

23sep2022 SF
First day of Fall and it was clear and warm. I rode out to Ocean Beach.

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