Jef Poskanzer's Photography

"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven

[Friends and Family] [Macro] [Industrial Archaeology] [Metal] [Deserts and Cacti] [Hiking] [Camping] [Biking] [Beaches] [Hot Springs] [Whitewater] [Ultraviolet Light] [Crafts] [Cats] [Trains] [The Bevatron] [burningman '98 and '96] [Red Oak Victory] [Construction] [Albany Bulb]

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14feb2023 SF
A little ramble around the city on a super cold day.

12feb2023 Oakland
Another Oakland ride, much like yesterday's.

11feb2023 Oakland
Another Oakland ride.

09feb2023 Oakland
An Oakland ride, followed by a Golden Gate sunset from the Berkeley Marina.

06feb2023 SF
Another ride out to SF's Ocean Beach.

30jan2023 SF
Sunny / chilly day, perfect biking weather.

28jan2023 Oakland
Some miscellany plus a ride to Oakland on my Shiny New Gear Cluster.

22jan2023 King Tide
King Tide at a spot on Bay Farm Island where the water level was two feet above the road. Also a Golden Gate sunset with bonus Moon, Venus, and Saturn.

21jan2023 Oakland
Recovering from a sore knee, I tried my usual Oakland ride. It went ok.

20jan2023 Sunset
A Golden Gate centered sunset.

17jan2023 Point Richmond
Super sunny day for a ride to Point Richmond.

16jan2023 SF
The epic rains finally stopped, so I went to SF to check things out.

12jan2023 Oakland
An Oakland ride on a weirdly warm day between storms.

08jan2023 SF
Another SF Ocean Beach ride. Later, a trip to SFO.

06jan2023 SF
Another overcast pre-storm day in SF.

03jan2023 SF
An overcast pre-rainstorm ride in the city. Crab season has started!

01jan2023 Around
Around Berkeley, Emeryville, and Oakland, on New Year's Day.

28dec2022 Oakland
A sunny morning ride to West Oakland. In the afternoon I went grocery shopping with my mom.

26dec2022 Oakland
A ride to Oakland on a heavily overcast day before a big rainstorm.

24dec2022 King Tide
A quick trip to see the +7' tide at the Berkeley Marina.

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