// Spider - a web-robot class // // Copyright (C) 1996 by Jef Poskanzer . All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS // OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY // OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. // // Visit the ACME Labs Java page for up-to-date versions of this and other // fine Java utilities: http://www.acme.com/java/ package Acme; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; /// A web-robot class. //

// This is an Enumeration class that traverses the web starting at // a given URL. It fetches HTML files and parses them for new // URLs to look at. All files it encounters, HTML or otherwise, // are returned by the nextElement() method as a URLConnection. //

// The traversal is breadth-first, and by default it is limited to // files at or below the starting point - same protocol, hostname, and // initial directory. //

// Because of the security restrictions on applets, this is currently // only useful from applications. //

// Sample code: //

// Enumeration spider = new Acme.Spider( "http://some.site.com/whatever/" );
// while ( spider.hasMoreElements() )
//     {
//     URLConnection conn = (URLConnection) spider.nextElement();
//     // Then do whatever you like with conn:
//     URL thisUrl = conn.getURL();
//     String thisUrlStr = thisUrl.toExternalForm();
//     String mimeType = conn.getContentType();
//     long changed = conn.getLastModified();
//     InputStream s = conn.getInputStream();
//     // Etc. etc. etc., your code here.
//     }
// There are also a couple of methods you can override via a subclass, to // control things like the search limits and what gets done with broken links. //

// Sample applications that use Acme.Spider: //


// Fetch the software.
// Fetch the entire Acme package. //

// @see Acme.HtmlScanner // @see Acme.NoRobots public class Spider implements Acme.HtmlObserver, Enumeration { // Used only in the default error-reporting routines. If you override // them, this is not used at all. /*private*/ protected PrintStream err; // The spider's state. /*private*/ protected Queue todo = new Queue(); private int todoLimit = 0; /*private*/ protected Hashtable done; // Temporary state used only between when hasMoreElements and // nextElement are called. Multi-threaded callers should be careful. // This seems to be an inherent problem with using Enumeration in // a multi-threaded context. private SpiderItem item; private URL thisUrl; // The optional authorization cookie. private String auth_cookie = null; // The list of Acme.HtmlObservers to add to the HtmlScanner. private Vector observers = new Vector(); // The user-agent name of this spider. private final String spiderName = "Acme.Spider"; // The Robot Exclusion checker. private Acme.NoRobots noRobots = new Acme.NoRobots( spiderName ); /// Constructor with no size limits. // @param err the error stream public Spider( PrintStream err ) { this.err = err; done = new Hashtable(); } /// Constructor with no size limits, and the default error stream. public Spider() { this( System.err ); } /// Constructor with a single URL and no size limits. // @param urlStr the URL to start off the enumeration // @param err the error stream public Spider( String urlStr, PrintStream err ) throws MalformedURLException { this( err ); addUrl( urlStr ); } /// Constructor with a single URL and no size limits, and the default // error stream. // @param urlStr the URL to start off the enumeration public Spider( String urlStr ) throws MalformedURLException { this( urlStr, System.err ); } /// Constructor with size limits. // This version lets you specify limits on the todo queue and the // done hash-table. If you are using Spider for a large, multi-site // traversal, then you may need to set these limits to avoid running // out of memory. Note that setting a todoLimit means the traversal // will not be complete - you may skip some URLs. And setting the // doneLimit means it may re-visit some pages. //

// Guesses at good values for an unlimited traversal: 200000 and 20000. // You want the doneLimit pretty small because the hash-table gets checked // for every URL, so it will be mostly in memory; the todo queue, on the // other hand, is only accessed at the front and back, and so will be // mostly paged out. // @param urlStr the URL to start off the enumeration // @param todoLimit maximum number of URLs to queue for examination // @param doneLimit maximum number of URLs to remember having done already // @param err the error stream public Spider( int todoLimit, int doneLimit, PrintStream err ) { this.err = err; this.todoLimit = todoLimit; if ( doneLimit == 0 ) done = new Hashtable(); else done = new Acme.LruHashtable( doneLimit ); } /// Constructor with size limits. // @param urlStr the URL to start off the enumeration // @param todoLimit maximum number of URLs to queue for examination // @param doneLimit maximum number of URLs to remember having done already public Spider( int todoLimit, int doneLimit ) { this( todoLimit, doneLimit, System.err ); } /// Add a URL to the to-do list. public synchronized void addUrl( String urlStr ) throws MalformedURLException { URL url = Acme.Utils.plainUrl( urlStr ); String thisUrlStr = url.toExternalForm(); String baseUrlStr = Acme.Utils.baseUrlStr( thisUrlStr ); todo.addBack( new SpiderItem( thisUrlStr, null, 0, baseUrlStr ) ); } /// Set the authorization cookie. //

// Syntax is userid:password. public synchronized void setAuth( String auth_cookie ) { this.auth_cookie = auth_cookie; } /// Add an extra observer to the scanners we make. Multiple observers // get called in the order they were added. //

// Alternatively, if you want to add a different observer to each // scanner, you can cast the input stream to a scanner and call // its add routine, like so: //

    // InputStream s = conn.getInputStream();
    // Acme.HtmlScanner scanner = (Acme.HtmlScanner) s;
    // scanner.addObserver( this );
public synchronized void addObserver( Acme.HtmlObserver observer ) { observers.addElement( observer ); } /// This method can be overridden by a subclass if you want to change // the search policy. The default version only does URLs that start // with the same string as the base URL. An alternate version might // instead go by the search depth. protected boolean doThisUrl( String thisUrlStr, int depth, String baseUrlStr ) { if ( thisUrlStr.startsWith( baseUrlStr ) ) return true; return false; } /// This method can be overridden by a subclass if you want to change // the broken link policy. The default version reports the broken // link on the error stream. An alternate version might attempt to // send mail to the owner of the page with the broken link. protected void brokenLink( String fromUrlStr, String toUrlStr, String errmsg ) { err.println( "Broken link in " + fromUrlStr ); err.println( " pointing to " +toUrlStr ); err.println( " " + errmsg ); } /// This method can be overridden by a subclass if you want to change // the error reporting policy. The default version reports the error // link on the error stream. An alternate version might ignore the error. protected void reportError( String fromUrlStr, String toUrlStr, String errmsg ) { err.println( "Error in " + fromUrlStr ); err.println( " pointing to " +toUrlStr ); err.println( " " + errmsg ); } private boolean gotOne = false; // Get the next file, if possible. private synchronized void getOne() { while ( ! todo.isEmpty() ) { item = (SpiderItem) todo.getFront(); // Check again if we've already done this one. if ( ! done.containsKey( item.thisUrlStr ) ) { done.put( item.thisUrlStr, item.thisUrlStr ); try { thisUrl = new URL( item.thisUrlStr ); if ( ! noRobots.ok( thisUrl ) ) continue; gotOne = true; return; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if ( checkMalformedURL( msg ) ) brokenLink( myUrlToString( item.fromUrl ), item.thisUrlStr, msg ); } catch ( Exception e ) { reportError( myUrlToString( item.fromUrl ), item.thisUrlStr, e.toString() ); } } } gotOne = false; return; } private static boolean checkMalformedURL( String msg ) { // Java is missing protocol handlers for many common // protocols. Ignore those errors. if ( msg.startsWith( "unknown protocol: " ) ) { String protocol = msg.substring( msg.lastIndexOf( ' ' ) + 1 ); if ( protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "gopher" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "ftp" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "file" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "telnet" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "news" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "mailto" ) || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( "javascript" ) ) return false; } return true; } /// Standard Enumeration method. public synchronized boolean hasMoreElements() { if ( ! gotOne ) getOne(); return gotOne; } /// Standard Enumeration method. public synchronized Object nextElement() { if ( ! gotOne ) getOne(); if ( ! gotOne ) return null; gotOne = false; // Make local copies of the temporary global state variables, so the // window for overwriting them is smaller. SpiderItem localItem = item; URL localThisUrl = thisUrl; try { URLConnection uc = localThisUrl.openConnection(); uc.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", spiderName ); if ( auth_cookie != null ) uc.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "Basic " + Acme.Utils.base64Encode( auth_cookie ) ); uc.connect(); InputStream s = uc.getInputStream(); String contentType = uc.getContentType(); if ( contentType != null && contentType.startsWith( "text/html" ) ) { // Make a scanner, and pass in the SpiderItem as the clientData. HtmlScanner scanner = new HtmlScanner( s, localThisUrl, this, localItem ); // Add any extra observers. Enumeration en = observers.elements(); while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) { Acme.HtmlObserver observer = (Acme.HtmlObserver) en.nextElement(); scanner.addObserver( observer ); } // And make a URLConnection that uses this scanner. SpiderConnection asc = new SpiderConnection( uc, scanner ); return asc; } else { // If it's not HTML we don't have to interpose our parser. return uc; } } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { brokenLink( myUrlToString( localItem.fromUrl ), localItem.thisUrlStr, e.getMessage() ); } catch ( UnknownHostException e ) { brokenLink( myUrlToString( localItem.fromUrl ), localItem.thisUrlStr, "unknown host -- " + e.getMessage() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { reportError( myUrlToString( localItem.fromUrl ), localItem.thisUrlStr, e.toString() ); } return null; } private String myUrlToString( URL url ) { if ( url == null ) return "an initial URL"; else return url.toExternalForm(); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotAHREF( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotIMGSRC( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotFRAMESRC( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotBASEHREF( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { // Nothing. } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotAREAHREF( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotLINKHREF( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } /// Acme.HtmlObserver callback. public void gotBODYBACKGROUND( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, Object clientData ) { add( urlStr, contextUrl, (SpiderItem) clientData ); } private void add( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, SpiderItem item ) { try { // Convert to no-ref, canonical form. URL url = Acme.Utils.plainUrl( contextUrl, urlStr ); urlStr = url.toExternalForm(); // Add it. addOne( urlStr, contextUrl, item ); // Also add all parent directories up to the root. We'll get // a lot of duplicates this way, but the hashtable will filter // them out. String rootUrlStr = ( new URL( new URL( urlStr ), "/" ) ).toExternalForm(); while ( urlStr.length() > rootUrlStr.length() ) { int lastSlash = urlStr.lastIndexOf( '/', urlStr.length() - 2 ); urlStr = urlStr.substring( 0, lastSlash + 1 ); addOne( urlStr, contextUrl, item ); } } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if ( checkMalformedURL( msg ) ) brokenLink( myUrlToString( contextUrl ), urlStr, msg ); } } private void addOne( String urlStr, URL contextUrl, SpiderItem item ) { // Check if we've already done this one. if ( ! done.containsKey( urlStr ) ) { // Check if we should do this one. if ( doThisUrl( urlStr, item.depth + 1, item.baseUrlStr ) ) { // Yes. if ( todoLimit == 0 || todo.size() < todoLimit ) todo.addBack( new SpiderItem( urlStr, contextUrl, item.depth + 1, item.baseUrlStr ) ); } } } /// Test program. Shows URLs, file sizes, etc. at the ACME Java site. public static void main( String[] args ) { if ( args.length != 1 ) { System.err.println( "usage: Spider URL" ); return; } Enumeration as; try { // as = new Spider( args[0] ); as = new Spider( args[0], System.err ); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { System.err.println( e ); return; } while ( as.hasMoreElements() ) { URLConnection uc = (URLConnection) as.nextElement(); URL thisUrl = uc.getURL(); String thisUrlStr = thisUrl.toExternalForm(); String mimeType = uc.getContentType(); int bytes = 0; try { InputStream s = uc.getInputStream(); while ( s.read() != -1 ) ++bytes; s.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) {} System.out.println( thisUrlStr + " " + mimeType + " " + bytes ); } } } // A struct class to hold info on a queued URL. class SpiderItem { String thisUrlStr; URL fromUrl; int depth; String baseUrlStr; public SpiderItem( String thisUrlStr, URL fromUrl, int depth, String baseUrlStr ) { this.thisUrlStr = thisUrlStr; this.fromUrl = fromUrl; this.depth = depth; this.baseUrlStr = baseUrlStr; } } // SpiderConnection - utility class for Spider // // A SpiderConnection is the type returned by Spider. It's a // URLConnection, slightly modified internally to work with Spider. class SpiderConnection extends URLConnection { private URLConnection uc; protected InputStream s; public SpiderConnection( URLConnection uc ) throws IOException { super( uc.getURL() ); this.uc = uc; this.s = uc.getInputStream(); } public SpiderConnection( URLConnection uc, InputStream s ) { super( uc.getURL() ); this.uc = uc; this.s = s; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return s; } // The rest just forward to uc's methods. final public void connect() throws IOException { uc.connect(); } final public URL getURL() { return uc.getURL(); } final public int getContentLength() { return uc.getContentLength(); } final public String getContentType() { return uc.getContentType(); } final public String getContentEncoding() { return uc.getContentEncoding(); } final public long getExpiration() { return uc.getExpiration(); } final public long getDate() { return uc.getDate(); } final public long getLastModified() { return uc.getLastModified(); } final public String getHeaderField( String name ) { return uc.getHeaderField( name ); } final public int getHeaderFieldInt( String name, int Default ) { return uc.getHeaderFieldInt( name, Default ); } final public long getHeaderFieldDate( String name, long Default ) { return uc.getHeaderFieldDate( name, Default ); } final public String getHeaderFieldKey( int n ) { return uc.getHeaderFieldKey( n ); } final public String getHeaderField( int n ) { return uc.getHeaderField( n ); } final public Object getContent() throws IOException { return uc.getContent(); } final public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { return uc.getOutputStream(); } final public String toString() { return uc.toString(); } final public void setDoInput( boolean doinput ) { uc.setDoInput( doinput ); } final public boolean getDoInput() { return uc.getDoInput(); } final public void setDoOutput( boolean dooutput ) { uc.setDoOutput( dooutput ); } final public boolean getDoOutput() { return uc.getDoOutput(); } final public void setAllowUserInteraction( boolean allowuserinteraction ) { uc.setAllowUserInteraction( allowuserinteraction ); } final public boolean getAllowUserInteraction() { return uc.getAllowUserInteraction(); } final public static void setDefaultAllowUserInteraction( boolean defaultallowuserinteraction ) { URLConnection.setDefaultAllowUserInteraction( defaultallowuserinteraction ); } final public static boolean getDefaultAllowUserInteraction() { return URLConnection.getDefaultAllowUserInteraction(); } final public void setUseCaches( boolean usecaches ) { uc.setUseCaches( usecaches ); } final public boolean getUseCaches() { return uc.getUseCaches(); } final public void setIfModifiedSince( long ifmodifiedsince ) { uc.setIfModifiedSince( ifmodifiedsince ); } final public long getIfModifiedSince() { return uc.getIfModifiedSince(); } final public boolean getDefaultUseCaches() { return uc.getDefaultUseCaches(); } final public void setDefaultUseCaches( boolean defaultusecaches ) { uc.setDefaultUseCaches( defaultusecaches ); } final public void setRequestProperty( String key, String value ) { uc.setRequestProperty( key, value ); } final public String getRequestProperty( String key ) { return uc.getRequestProperty( key ); } final public static void setDefaultRequestProperty( String key, String value ) { URLConnection.setDefaultRequestProperty( key, value ); } final public static String getDefaultRequestProperty( String key ) { return URLConnection.getDefaultRequestProperty( key ); } final public static void setContentHandlerFactory( ContentHandlerFactory fac ) { URLConnection.setContentHandlerFactory( fac ); } }