Jef Poskanzer's Photography
"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven
[Friends and Family]
[Industrial Archaeology]
[Deserts and Cacti]
[Hot Springs]
[Ultraviolet Light]
[The Bevatron]
[burningman '98 and '96]
[Red Oak Victory]
[Albany Bulb]
06oct2002 Calliope
A sculpture by Joseph Slusky at the Berkeley Marina. It's called "Calliope", and was placed in 1982. Slusky's basic style is welded scrap metal plus brightly colored paint. It's interesting to see how the paint has aged after twenty years in the sun and salt air. In 2004 it was refurbished and repainted in a simpler scheme. Slusky also has a nice piece near the Berkeley Bayer plant.
20sep2002 Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry Movie Tour 2002!
15sep2002 Skate Park
Berkeley's long-awaited skate park at 5th & Harrison is finally open.
15sep2002 Leaves
The first leaves are starting to fall from my liquidamber tree.
02sep2002 Chabot Science Center
A visit to Oakland's observatory & planetarium with parents and nephews.
01sep2002 Angel Island
Bike excursion around Angel Island and back via Tiburon, Sausalito, and the Golden Gate.
11aug2002 Sunset
Sunset above fog from the Lawrence Hall of Science.
28jul2002 Sweeney Ridge
Quick visit to the Sweeney Ridge Nike site to swap cameras in a geocache there.
07jul2002 Guzzler & Science
A San Francisco bike trip to the "Guzzler" slide at PacBell Park and the California Academy of Sciences, including their Skulls exhibit.
06jul2002 Windmill Remnants 2
Email from Gale Garcia pointed me at five more windmail remnants.
06jul2002 Dragon Boat
The first dragon boat arrives at the Berkeley marina.
05jul2002 Oakland
A bike ride through the Oakland waterfront.
02jun2002 Steam Trains
The Tilden Park railroad celebrates its 50th anniversary by hosting locomotives from all over.
27may2002 Abbott's Lagoon
Memorial Day at the beach.
13apr2002 Waterfront
An afternoon ride along the Berkeley/Albany waterfront. I visited the BMX course, Albany Beach which was covered with by-the-wind-sailors (jellyfish), and of course the Bulb.
11apr2002 Berkeley Public Library
The rennovated library opened a few days ago.
06apr2002 The Big Die
A cute new artwork at the Albany waterfront park.
30mar2002 Belgum Homestead
An old ranch site in Wildcat Canyon. There are at least four foundations, a nice stone retaining wall, and some fruit and palm trees and flowers.
16mar2002 Flowers
Spring blooms at the Edible Schoolyard, Martin Luther King Junior Junior High School.
08mar2002 Mission Clay Tile Works
A clandestine visit to the Mission Clay Tile Works in Niles Canyon. Lots of No Trespassing signs guard this old brickyard, but I snuck in anyway.
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