globe - show an ASCII graphic of the currently-lighted face of the Earth

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A cute ASCII graphic hack. The pictures were converted from 256x256 bitmaps using pbmtoascii. The bitmaps originally came from Sun. The wrapper program took 20 minutes to write, including documentation.

Sample output (HTMLized via texttohtml):

|    9MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM##H`'      ?M, ` R?\
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 9,           *MMMMMMMM' ,MH  -            ./
 `|            9MMMMMM"  `"'              .&
  `\            ?MMMH'                   ./
    \.           "'                     ,/
     `\.                              ./'
       `~\.                    '    ,/'
          "\\_                 ._.-"

See also: bigcal, phoon.
ACME Labs / Software / globe