// StubToolkit - bare-bones Toolkit for non-GUI applications // // Original copyright notice: // // Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software // and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without // fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice // appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html" // for further important copyright and licensing information. // // SUN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF // THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SUN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR // DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. // // Visit the ACME Labs Java page for up-to-date versions of this and other // fine Java utilities: http://www.acme.com/java/ package Acme.JPM; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.peer.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.net.*; import sun.awt.image.FileImageSource; import sun.awt.image.OffScreenImageSource; import sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation; /// Bare-bones Toolkit for non-GUI applications. //

// This Toolkit is for doing image manipulation in a non-GUI application. //

// You could do a Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() and use that from your non-GUI // applications. The two problems with that are it takes way too long to // initialize, and it starts a couple of daemon Threads that keep your // application from exiting. Instead, do a new Acme.JPM.StubToolkit(). //

// The only public method of interest is the constructor. //

// Adapted by Jef Poskanzer from: //

// TinyToolkit.java   1.10 95/12/14 Arthur van Hoff
// TinyImage.java     1.4 95/12/09 Arthur van Hoff
// TinyGraphics.java  1.10 95/12/04 Arthur van Hoff

// Fetch the software.
// Fetch the entire Acme package. public class StubToolkit extends Toolkit { static { // Load C library to get GIF-parsing routine. Dunno how portable // this is to non-Solaris machines. System.loadLibrary("awt"); } public StubToolkit() { } // Fail to create peer objects. public WindowPeer createWindow( Window target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public FramePeer createFrame( Frame target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public CanvasPeer createCanvas( Canvas target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public PanelPeer createPanel( Panel target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public ButtonPeer createButton( Button target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public TextFieldPeer createTextField( TextField target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public ChoicePeer createChoice( Choice target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public LabelPeer createLabel( Label target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public ListPeer createList( List target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public CheckboxPeer createCheckbox( Checkbox target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public ScrollbarPeer createScrollbar( Scrollbar target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public ScrollPanePeer createScrollPane( ScrollPane target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public TextAreaPeer createTextArea( TextArea target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public DialogPeer createDialog( Dialog target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public FileDialogPeer createFileDialog( FileDialog target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public MenuBarPeer createMenuBar( MenuBar target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public MenuPeer createMenu( Menu target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public PopupMenuPeer createPopupMenu( PopupMenu target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public MenuItemPeer createMenuItem( MenuItem target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public CheckboxMenuItemPeer createCheckboxMenuItem( CheckboxMenuItem target ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public FontPeer getFontPeer( String name, int style ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public Dimension getScreenSize() { return new Dimension( getScreenWidth(), getScreenHeight() ); } static ColorModel colorModel = null; public synchronized ColorModel getColorModel() { if ( colorModel == null ) colorModel = ColorModel.getRGBdefault(); return colorModel; } static Toolkit toolkit = null; public static synchronized Toolkit getDefaultToolkit() { if ( toolkit == null ) toolkit = new StubToolkit(); return toolkit; } public int getScreenResolution() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } int getScreenWidth() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } int getScreenHeight() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public String[] getFontList() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public FontMetrics getFontMetrics( Font font ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void sync() { } static Hashtable imgHash = new Hashtable(); static synchronized Image getImageFromHash( Toolkit tk, URL url ) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if ( security != null ) security.checkConnect( url.getHost(), url.getPort() ); Image img = (Image) imgHash.get( url ); if ( img == null ) { try { img = tk.createImage( (ImageProducer) url.getContent() ); imgHash.put( url, img ); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } return img; } static synchronized Image getImageFromHash( Toolkit tk, String filename ) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if ( security != null ) security.checkRead( filename ); Image img = (Image) imgHash.get( filename ); if ( img == null ) { try { img = tk.createImage( new FileImageSource( filename ) ); imgHash.put( filename, img ); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } return img; } public Image getImage( String filename ) { return getImageFromHash( this, filename ); } public Image getImage( URL url ) { return getImageFromHash( this, url ); } static boolean prepareScrImage( Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o ) { if ( w == 0 || h == 0 ) return true; StubImage ximg = (StubImage) img; if ( ximg.hasError() ) { if ( o != null ) o.imageUpdate( img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } if ( w < 0 ) w = -1; if ( h < 0 ) h = -1; ImageRepresentation ir = ximg.getImageRep( w, h ); return ir.prepare( o ); } static int checkScrImage( Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o ) { StubImage ximg = (StubImage) img; int repbits; if ( w == 0 || h == 0 ) repbits = ImageObserver.ALLBITS; else { if ( w < 0 ) w = -1; if ( h < 0 ) h = -1; repbits = ximg.getImageRep( w, h ).check( o ); } return ximg.check( o ) | repbits; } public int checkImage( Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o ) { return checkScrImage( img, w, h, o ); } public boolean prepareImage( Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o ) { return prepareScrImage( img, w, h, o ); } public Image createImage( ImageProducer producer ) { return new StubImage( producer ); } public Image createImage( byte[] imagedata, int imageoffset, int imagelength) { /* return new StubImage( imagedata, imageoffset, imagelength ); */ throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public PrintJob getPrintJob( Frame frame, String jobtitle, Properties props ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void beep() { ( new Acme.SynthAudioClip( 440, 250 ) ).play(); } public java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard getSystemClipboard() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public java.awt.EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } } class StubImage extends sun.awt.image.Image { /* // Construct an image from image data. public StubImage( byte[] imagedata, int imageoffset, int imagelength ) { super( imagedata, imageoffset, imagelength ); } */ // Construct an image from an ImageProducer object. public StubImage( ImageProducer producer ) { super( producer ); } public Graphics getGraphics() { return new StubGraphics( this ); } protected sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation getImageRep( int w, int h ) { return super.getImageRep( w, h ); } } class StubGraphics extends Graphics { private void imageCreate( ImageRepresentation ir ) { // !!! throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public StubGraphics( Graphics g ) { } public StubGraphics( Image image ) { OffScreenImageSource osis = (OffScreenImageSource) image.getSource(); imageCreate( osis.getImageRep() ); } // Create a new Graphics Object based on this one. public Graphics create() { StubGraphics g = new StubGraphics( this ); return g; } public void translate( int x, int y ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void dispose() { // Nothing. } public Font getFont() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setFont( Font font ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public FontMetrics getFontMetrics( Font font ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public Color getColor() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setColor( Color c ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setPaintMode() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setXORMode( Color c ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public Rectangle getClipRect() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public Rectangle getClipBounds() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void clipRect( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setClip( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public Shape getClip() { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void setClip( Shape clip ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawLine( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void fillRect( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void clearRect( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawString( String str, int x, int y ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawChars( char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawBytes( byte[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } /** * Draws an image at x,y in nonblocking mode with a callback object. */ public boolean drawImage( Image img, int x, int y, ImageObserver observer ) { StubImage i = (StubImage) img; if ( i.hasError() ) { if ( observer != null ) observer.imageUpdate( img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } ImageRepresentation ir = i.getImageRep( -1, -1 ); return ir.drawImage( this, x, y, null, observer ); } /** * Draws an image scaled to x,y,w,h in nonblocking mode with a * callback object. */ public boolean drawImage( Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer ) { if ( width == 0 || height == 0 ) return true; StubImage i = (StubImage) img; if ( i.hasError() ) { if ( observer != null ) observer.imageUpdate( img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } if ( width < 0 ) width = -1; if ( height < 0 ) height = -1; ImageRepresentation ir = i.getImageRep( width, height ); return ir.drawImage( this, x, y, null, observer ); } /** * Draws an image at x,y in nonblocking mode with a solid background * color and a callback object. */ public boolean drawImage( Image img, int x, int y, Color bg, ImageObserver observer ) { StubImage i = (StubImage) img; if ( i.hasError() ) { if ( observer != null ) observer.imageUpdate( img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } ImageRepresentation ir = i.getImageRep( -1, -1 ); return ir.drawImage( this, x, y, bg, observer ); } /** * Draws an image scaled to x,y,w,h in nonblocking mode with a * solid background color and a callback object. */ public boolean drawImage( Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color bg, ImageObserver observer ) { if ( width == 0 || height == 0 ) return true; StubImage i = (StubImage) img; if ( i.hasError() ) { if ( observer != null ) observer.imageUpdate( img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } if ( width < 0 ) width = -1; if ( height < 0 ) height = -1; ImageRepresentation ir = i.getImageRep( width, height ); return ir.drawImage( this, x, y, bg, observer ); } public boolean drawImage( Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, ImageObserver observer ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public boolean drawImage( Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, Color bgcolor, ImageObserver observer) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void copyArea( int x, int y, int w, int h, int dx, int dy ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawRoundRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int arcWidth, int arcHeight ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void fillRoundRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int arcWidth, int arcHeight ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawPolygon( int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void fillPolygon( int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawOval( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void fillOval( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawArc( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int endAngle ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void fillArc( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int endAngle ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } public void drawPolyline( int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints ) { throw new InternalError( "not implemented" ); } }