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Class Acme.Conf.Server.ConfsysServer


public class ConfsysServer
extends Confsys
Server side of a conferencing system.

Fetch the software.
Fetch the entire Acme package.

Constructor Index

 o ConfsysServer(Session, User)
Make a new confsys.

Method Index

 o addConfgroup(Session, String, User)
Add a new conference group to the system.
 o addUser(Session, String, String)
Add a new user to the system.
 o findUser(String)
Find a user by userid.
 o getConfgroups()
An Enumeration of the Confgroups.
 o getUsers()
An Enumeration of the Users.
 o isAdmin(User)
Check whether a user is an administrator.
 o rmConfgroup(Session, Confgroup)
Remove a conference group from the system.
 o rmUser(Session, User)
Remove a user from the system.


 o ConfsysServer
 public ConfsysServer(Session session,
                      User admin)
Make a new confsys.


 o getConfgroups
 public Enumeration getConfgroups()
An Enumeration of the Confgroups.

getConfgroups in class Confsys
 o getUsers
 public Enumeration getUsers()
An Enumeration of the Users.

getUsers in class Confsys
 o findUser
 public User findUser(String userid)
Find a user by userid.

null if no such user exists.
findUser in class Confsys
 o isAdmin
 public boolean isAdmin(User user)
Check whether a user is an administrator.

isAdmin in class Confsys
 o addConfgroup
 public Confgroup addConfgroup(Session session,
                               String name,
                               User manager)
Add a new conference group to the system. The conference group starts out with no conferences in it.

Only an administrator may do this.

addConfgroup in class Confsys
 o rmConfgroup
 public void rmConfgroup(Session session,
                         Confgroup confgroup)
Remove a conference group from the system. The conferences it contains may continue to exist in other conference groups.

Only an administrator may do this.

rmConfgroup in class Confsys
 o addUser
 public User addUser(Session session,
                     String userid,
                     String realName)
Add a new user to the system.

Only an administrator may do this.

addUser in class Confsys
 o rmUser
 public void rmUser(Session session,
                    User user)
Remove a user from the system.

Only an administrator may do this.

rmUser in class Confsys

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