Professor Danny Crooks found this at the Historical Society in Charleston, South Carolina. Prof. Crooks says ``So, my impression is that for a young man from Russia who came to America in 1906 and enlisted, he was quite intelligent. And, he and Brux must have had a very special bond for Louis to take time to compose the piece. Other documents in the file attest to the popularity of  Lieutenant Brux as a fine leader, but Louis Poskanzer went further, writing a poem about his deceased lieutenant``


Word of Brux's death in WWI was received by his men with great sorrow.

Private Louis M. Poskanzer wrote this poem in memory of his commanding officer:


Our late Lieut. Brux   


I am sitting and thinking

what to write or do

a vision flashes in front of me

of our late Lieut. Brux


We had a first lieut. in our co.

his name was Cecil d. Brux

he was popular with the boys

and his friendship was very true


He came to France ahead of us

and became our town major

he told us stories about the front

and warned us against the danger


He was taken to the hospital

when we left the St. Die sector

but came back the 26th of October

and became our company commander


He jollied us along

when shells were thick overhead

he cheered the men up

everyone that felt sad


He felt sad on the morning of Oct. 28th

as nine of our men fell

by the terrific explosion

of a big German shell


We moved a little to our left

and jumped ahead of the 90th Division

he made sure that his men were jolly

and had enough provision


One morning as we ate breakfast

he told us stories of fame

he said "boys I have a hunch

that there is a shell with my own name"


Of course we jollied with him

in his old usual way

he said "I may not die yet

but they will get me some day"


The shells were flying around us

he formed us into battle line

he gave each man courage

he himself felt very fine


On the day of November 3rd

at the hour of four o'clock

word was passed along the line

which gave us an awful shock


We sent up a prayer

for our commander who fell

for he got hit through the back

with a big piece of shrapnel


We were left without a commander

on top of a hill

just a little to the left

of a town by the name of Aincreville


He died on the field of honor

for we all know

he gave his life for his country

and the flag that he loved so


He wont be forgotten

our First Lieut. Brux

for he fought under our flag

the red white and blue


composed by

Pvt. Louis M. Poskanzer

Co. B, 61st Inf.

5th Div. a.p.o. 745 A. E. F.     7.